4th Ballast Water Management Summit




Date(s) – 06/03/2017 – 08/03/2017

All Day


Long Beach Marriott


  • Event

For further information, please contact: David Church

Email: davidc@infocastevents.com

Tel.: 818-888-4445 ex 26

With the announcement of the ratification of the BWM Convention, environmental retrofits for ships are now unavoidable as IMO regulation will enter into force on September 8, 2017. Only a small fraction of the 50,000 ships currently in service internationally have functional BWM systems currently installed, none of which meet the USCG standard.  The estimated cost of BWT systems installations will range from $200K – $5M per ship, costing up to $45 billion in BWM retrofits alone.

Ship owners have a very limited amount of time to find solutions to a bevy of questions brought about by these new rules and protocols.  How will type approval processes intersect with the upcoming compliance deadlines? What BWM system is optimum, and how do ship owners ensure their retrofits are the most cost-effective and efficient? How can certification organizations, suppliers and retrofitters ensure that BWM systems meet the requirements for compliance set by both regulatory bodies?

Infocast’s 4th Ballast Water Management Summit, March 6-8, 2017 in Long Beach, CA, will again bring together key regulators, ship owners and operators, shipbuilders, engineers, water treatment specialists, marine equipment suppliers, ports, shipping/maritime associations and others to exchange information and strategize cost-effective, practical solutions for BWT system compliance now and going forward.

Plus, attend the Ballast Water Treatment Technology Pre-Summit Briefing, March 6, 2017, to get a comprehensive overview of current technologies, type approval, testing and retrofits; and new advancements and innovations in ballast water treatment and monitoring.

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