Young Girl Offended a Sacred Mountain



Eleanor Hawkins, 23 year old British woman has pleaded guilty to posing naked on a sacred Malaysian mountain.

Miss Hawkins and the three others were being held at Sabah police headquarters in Kepayan. They are alleged to be among 10 people who are involved in the nude stunt. The other six people are still being sought by authorities.

Miss Hawkins, an aeronautical engineering graduate from Derby, was arrested at Tawau airport on Tuesday attempting to fly from Borneo to Kuala Lumpur.

She admitted to the offence of obscene acts in public during her court appearance along with her other three friends Canadian siblings Danielle, Lindsey Petersen, and a Dutch man.

The court heard about the group making lot noise and that some had urinated in a pond in that incident. This had offended tribal elders in the area of Mount Kinabalu, a sacred mountain.

Miss Hawkins and her three companions will hear their fate later today.  It would decide whether she would be spending up to three months in jail or not.