MSC Geneva: the Container Ship Enters Service After Triumphant Widening



A WIDENING PROJECT has been successfully completed by NSB, where MSC Geneva is the first of all three NSB vessels which was converted under the project.  This modification is considered be a facelift to the vessel, where it adds value through various aspects like enhancing the competitive edge of panmax container freighters, increasing their operational efficiency and improving their carbon footprint.  NSB’s subsidiary NSB Marine Solutions offers this service to other ship owners and ship managers.  It is clearly an indication that the demand for future WIDENING projects is at uptrend.  

As per the expectations, MSC GENEVA underwent a sea trial from June 19th to 21st without a snag and the class certificates were issued accordingly displaying the new main dimensions.  On July 1st the MSC GENEVA re-entered service, called Chiwan and as a part of operations it will sail the Pacific Ocean between Asia and South America.

NSB on June 18th, in the presence of some 150 guests and along with its key partners Huarun Dadong Shipyard (HRDD) and Technolog GmbH, celebrated the world premiere of the first widened container freighter.  REEDEREI NSB displayed the benefits of the innovative concept, to the guests on a tour of the widened ship in Shanghai, developed by them and realized in collaboration with the Hamburg-based engineering office Technolog GmbH, offers.

At an official celebration following the tour of the ship at Xingchong Hotel in Shanghai, the Chief Operative Officer of REEDEREI NSB, Tim Ponath said that “No one has ever cut a container ship longitudinally from the superstructure to the bow to widen it.  We are very proud of our team who widened the MSC GENEVA and thus demonstrated the viability of our concept.  The ship will prove that it can keep up with the other carriers that ply the world’s oceans”.

Also Jifeng Wu, Managing Director of HRDD shipyard, expressed his views in the celebrations, “With this project NSB has solidified its excellent global reputation as a leading ship manager with a vision and pioneering spirit.  It has successfully upgraded one of three of its ships through widening, managed to enhance the competitiveness of panmax vessels and improve the overall economic framework”.