Ship Violated Ballast Water Convention


On Jan 31, 2018, the “Pilion” was the subject of an inspection in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg at Southern Reiherstieg, during which officials of the Water Police (WSPK 32) found a violation of the Ballast Water Convention.

The action

The Department of Environment and Energy (BUE) ordered a security deposit. The ship had not exchanged the ballast water, although this was required by the Ballast Water Convention. It had reached the port of Hamburg in the morning of Jan 23 empty and with ballast water from Huelva in order to be loaded. At the time of the inspection, about 15,000 tonnes of ballast water had already been discharged at the berth in an illegal manner.

The penalty

A security deposit of EUR 33,551 was paid by the Russian First Officer (52) for an unauthorized introduction of ballast water, reports Water Resources Act (WHG). In addition, a further security deposit of EUR 1,000 was ordered against him and the Greek captain (63) by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), because in the so-called garbage diary no waste water disposal was registered for two years and the waste management plan was inadequate. The ship left Hamburg on Feb 1 at 1745 hours, on it way to Mombasa.

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Source: Vessel Tracker