[Watch] Your Vessel can be detained because of this.


The port state control statistics for 2014 show that the most frequent type of deficiencies recorded by PSC on DNV GL vessels in 2014 was ISM related deficiencies. Fire dampers were the second-most-frequent detainable item found on DNV GL vessels in 2014, followed by deficiencies related to emergency generators and lifeboats. Below is a table that shows the most frequent items recorded by PSC. ISM related deficiencies have been excluded from the table.

PSC Detentions


Below are some images which you can see that the fire dampers are damaged or found not fire proof/air tight.

Fire flaps

Partially closed/rusted flaps.

engine room fire dampers

Engine Room Fan Flaps – Not Closed Completely

fire dampers

Damaged/Rusted Fan Flap

Regular checks for operation of dampers are not sufficient but to check whether they are air tight is more important. Voice your views or suggestions in order to improve fire integrity of such dampers.

Credits: DNV GL, AMSA.