The World’s Most Eco-friendly Bulk Carrier Delivered


  • ESL got the world’s most eco-friendly bulk carrier delivered by Haaga, this week.
  • The 160m long LNG fueled vessel reduces the CO2 emission rate to less than 50% of the previous ones.
  • Along with the minimisation of energy consumption and emission, it will have autonomous cargo processing.
  • The aim of this EUR 60 million project funded by the EU is to modernize the sea-route between Luleå, Oxelösund and Raahe

Haaga has delivered a new bulk carrier to ESL Shipping. The vessel considered as the world’s most eco-friendly next generation containership was delivered from Ling Shipyard in Nanjing, China, says a report published in ESL Shipping website.

ESL Shipping is part of the Aspo Group.

  1. The 160-meter, 25,600 dwt, LNG-fueled vessel generates less than 50% of the carbon dioxide emissions of the previous generation of vessels.
  2. The vessel can also be fueled by completely carbon-free biogas, once the availability of carbon-free biogas improves over time.

How will it be done?

Now, the question remains on the strategy it employs to be eco-friendly. The answer lies on ways of its operations and it’s impact.

The vessel incorporates several innovative solutions to reduce its environmental footprint by minimizing its energy consumption and emissions. The shipping company and MacGregor, which is part of Cargotec, have developed the world’s first autonomous cargo processing solution for the vessel to further improve safety and efficiency.

Current Position of the Ship

The vessel will have raw material cargo while arriving from Japan to the Baltic Sea, where the vessel is currently scheduled to arrive in mid-September.

How does it enhance the company’s prospect?

“Our new vessels have met with an excellent reception among our customers. Every employee of our shipping company should be genuinely proud of what we have achieved during our new construction project”, says Mikki Koskinen, Managing Director of ESL Shipping.

The completion of the new vessels will have a positive effect on the shipping company’s profitability and competitiveness.

“This investment of around EUR 60 million is significant for a company of Aspo’s size. It’s also an excellent example of our responsible ownership, as environmental responsibility involves considering future generations, too. The design and construction of the new vessels were completed as planned. The vessels will considerably increase ESL Shipping’s capacity, in addition to improving its profitability”, says Aki Ojanen, CEO of Aspo Plc and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ESL Shipping.

The Primary Goal

This new construction project is part of the Bothnia Bulk project, partly funded by the EU. Its goal is to modernize the sea route between Luleå, Oxelösund and Raahe to be more eco-friendly. In addition, environmental emissions will decrease at port with the improved availability of shore-side electricity. The vessels have been designed by Deltamarin in Finland, and European equipment suppliers have provided roughly 60 percent of all vessel systems.

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Source: ESL Shipping