Four Marine Killed In Chattanooga Shooting Incident At Tennessee US Navy Centres



A gunman in Chattanooga opened fire at two US Navy buildings in Chattanooga.  Four US Marines were killed and several injured.

The local district lawyer has said that the incident is being investigated as an act of “domestic terrorism.”

The 24 year old Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez(gunman), said to be born in the Kuwait was shot dead.  The FBI reported that he was apprehended by the police for driving under the influence of alcohol earlier this year in Chattanooga

It is reported that he went to a local high school where he has left this message in his school yearbook: “My name causes national security alerts.  What does yours do?”

It is reported that securities have been beefed up “at certain federal facilities” to avoid any further issues.

President Barack Obama said the attack was “heartbreaking”.

“This is a sad day for the United States. These service members served their country with pride” said Bill Kilden, the federal prosecutor for eastern Tennessee.

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