Turkish Cargo Ship Attacked By Libyan Planes



An unidentified cargo ship was sunk and another attacked near the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on sunday.

Libyan warplanes sank one ship and attacked a second vessel on Sunday near the eastern city of Benghazi.  According to military spokesmen for the country’s internationally recognised government, a cargo vessel loaded with fighters, weapons and ammunition was sunk.  No name of the ship was provided and no casualties were reported.  It is said that many ships have been attacked this year with many seafarers killed as the bitter civil war continues into its fifth year.

“The vessel was sunk because it had loaded fighters, weapons and ammunition to support terrorism in the eastern region,” air force spokesman Nasser Al Hassi said.

Mohamed El Hejazi, a spokesman for Khalifa Haftar, top army commander of the internationally recognized government based in eastern Libya, said the strike had also targeted a second vessel which had been carrying weapons in the same area.