ClassNK Releases “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA ver.ITTC”


Leading classification society ClassNK released “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA ver.ITTC” on 1st November 2018.

First of its kind

It is the world’s first software that calculates and analyzes a ship’s speed for Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) calculation in compliance with the latest International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 2017 Guidelines (ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guidelines 7.5-04-01-01.1, Preparation, Conduct and Analysis of Speed/Power Trials; 2017) for EEDI verification.

IMO guidelines revised

MARPOL Annex VI states one parameter for calculating the EEDI of a ship’s speed in calm sea conditions based on speed trial results. To eliminate the effects of external factors during a sea trial (wind, waves, current, water depth, sea temperature) and provide a way to calculate and analyze a ship’s speed in calm sea conditions, the IMO assigned two methods in its Guidelines (2014 Guidelines on survey and certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)); those were ISO 15016:2015 and ITTC 2014 Guidelines.

However, at MEPC 73 (October 2018), the IMO Guidelines were revised to require compliance with either ISO 15016:2015 or the ITTC 2017 Guidelines.

Functions of the new software

ClassNK has provided shipyards, and the greater maritime industry with “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA” as a support tool since 2015 for calculating a ship’s speed in compliance with ISO 15016:2015. To further contribute and provide technical support regarding ITTC 2017 Guidelines, ClassNK has newly developed “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA ver.ITTC” which has the same user-friendly interface as the former “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA” and calculates a ship’s speed in accordance with ITTC 2017 Guidelines.

In addition, to continue providing technical support regarding ISO 15016:2015, the Society also released “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA ver.ISO” which adds more functions to the former “PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA”.

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Source: ClassNK