ONE is Added to ISO14001 Certification Registry of ClassNK


The ClassNK has registered Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd. (ONE) to its registry of ISO14001:2015 (Environmental Management System/EMS) certification.

ClassNK certified

In October, during the EMS construction of ONE, ClassNK had been assigned as the certification body by ONE and completed the initial audit process.

On November 5, speaking on the opportunity at the certificate delivering ceremony held at ONE, Mr. Koichi Fujiwara, President, and CEO of ClassNK said, “Responding to ONE’s strong commitment to ensuring its environmental management system, ClassNK has carefully carried out strict and proper examinations for the certification”.

He further added, “We are glad to register ONE in our ISO14001 registry, and to keep on providing assistance for the continuous improvement of EMS from the standpoint of a third-party certification body”.

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