Confusing Photos That Will Make You Look Twice


Are you aware that the human brain creates about 12 watts of electricity? Same 12 watts is capable of powering a low-led light so we have put together a little competition to make your brain work harder. Let’s see how fast you can figure these photos out so prepare your stopwatch and let’s see who’s got the fastest brain.

Magazine beauty

Imagine you are having a ride on a train and you notice something like this, what is the first thing that comes to your mind. What comes to your mind within the first 3 seconds; is she real? Or would you simply sit stop staring at me, please?

Smile please!

This photo looks a bit unusual as one might think the ladies are conjoined in the waist when if you look well they are actually different persons. who knows maybe that’s why she won the award for miss popular 2012.


We are looking at a photo from an office setting. Though the location and company are unknown, we are still able to gather information from it. One thing that strikes the eyes is the heels and we bet you are asking who is wearing the heels.

Stayed tuned for more!

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Source: Fannntastic