Coast Guard Medevacs 2 Critically Ailing Passengers


Coast Guard airlifted passengers from separate cruise ships suffering life-threatening medical issues for advanced medical care to Cordova, reports The Cordova Times. 

Request from cruise ships

Two passengers from separate cruise ships suffering life-threatening medical issues were airlifted for advanced medical care by the Coast Guard to Cordova, during the past week. 

Both the patients were transported by MH Jayhawk helicopter aircrews from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak.

On Aug 29th

The medevac request came from the cruise ship Radiance of the Seas for a passenger reported to have suffered a heart attack. 

The 72-year-old man and the ship’s nurse were taken to Cordova for a wing-to-wing transfer with Guardian Flight, which took the patient to Anchorage.

On Aug. 31

The Coast Guard received a medevac request for an 80-year-old man reportedly experiencing stroke symptoms. 

The patient and the ship’s nurse delivered the man to an Airlift Northwest Commercial Medevac crew in Cordova.

The man was transported to Anchorage for further care Lt. Steven Podmore, an Air Station Kodiak pilot.

CG and Medical flight agency partnership

The Coast Guard’s partnership with medical flight agencies is critical in Alaska. Not only they provide immediate higher level of care, they also free up the Coast Guard aircrew for their next mission, said the man.

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Source: TheCordovaTimes