Paris MoU Aims Balanced Inspections Throughout Ports


The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) aspires to balance its inspections and their outcome in line with the upcoming 2020 sulphur cap, reports Safety4Sea.

Balanced inspections

Carien Droppers, Deputy Secretary General at Paris MoU commented that the inspections often face challenges in ensuring that the results are identical in every port.

Paris MoU officers are specifically trained to base their judgement on the specific requirements set out in the international maritime conventions. 

Any similarity with which the inspector has to deal with, will be assessed on the basis of the relevant requirements from the applicable convention.

For instance, a relevant factor that may impact the way a port deals with non-compliance issues is the capacity in which the inspector inspects the ship. Meaning that the same inspector may visit the ship within the parameters of the Paris MoU and also within the basis of regional or even national legislation.

No fines?

Overall, the Paris MoU does not issue fines to vessels. 

  • A ship may be given a 14-day deadline to correct its deficiencies or it may be detained. 
  • The inspector visits the vessel to ensure that all deficiencies have been corrected in order to allow the vessel to depart.

Yet, the fines are issued by EU inspectors under the EU directive on Port State Control.

Detentions after January 1, 2020

Mr Droppers does not expect a vital increase in detention after January 1, 2020.

Under the Paris MoU we already have Sulphur Emission Control Areas with a Sulphur limit of 0.10% for many of the member states. So, for most ships coming into this region, they already have the experience from the last couple of years, and I do not expect any changes.

Mr Droppers adds that ships may be asked when was their last and their second-last port of call and whether the ship obtained compliant fuel from these ports.

Concluding, he stated that the questions are to ensure that through communication the inspectors have done their best.

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