Onboard Compliant Fuel Testing Range Launched To Minimize FAME Risks


  • IMO 2020 marine fuel onboard testing and treatment range launched to provide fuel Conservancy solution to the shipping sector.
  • The range helps to ensure compliance with the IMO 0.5% sulphur cap and minimise the contamination risks with FAME based fuels in the supply chain.
  • The product range includes a portable XRF fuel sulphur content tester to confirm the sulphur mixture of fuel in the range of 0.1% – 5%. 
  • Chances of cross contamination is high even for  vessels fitted with exhaust scrubbers like technologies over low sulphur fuels. 
  • Marine fuel producers will blend fuel oils containing FAME to create complaint biofuel alternatives.
  • Higher FAME concentrations of circa 7% entered the supply chain during Q2 2019, resulted in widespread microbial contamination,.

Star International launches IMO 2020 marine fuel onboard testing and treatment range, says an article published in their website.

On-board fuel testing and treatment

Star International, worldwide supplier to the offshore and marine industries, has launched a range of on-board fuel testing and treatment products that provides a fuel conservancy solution to the shipping sector.

About the range

The range has been developed 

  • to meet the requirements to ensure compliance with the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO’s) 0.5% sulphur cap and 
  • minimise the contamination risks associated with an increase of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) based fuels in the marine supply chain.

Portable XRF fuel sulphur

The product range includes a portable XRF fuel sulphur content tester. This can be used to confirm the sulphur mixture of fuel in the range of 0.1% – 5%. 

Star FUELSTAT testing kit

This is complimented by the Star FUELSTAT contamination testing kit –

  • used on-board to detect the following contaminants; 
  • Hormoconis resinae (diesel bug), bacteria and fungi. 

Fuel treatments

Testing capabilities are complimented with the Star Mariner range of fuel treatments. These marine-specific additives can be used to treat common problems arising from the use of FAME based fuels, including; 

  • contamination, 
  • temperature induced coagulation and 
  • degradation.

According to Alan Stewart, Marine Fuel Consultant at Star International, IMO 2020 is set to cause considerable uncertainty within the marine fuel supply chain, in terms of both the composition of the fuel being supplied and its susceptibility to contamination.

  1. Ensure fuel is within the prescribed sulphur limits, and 
  2. Operators should ensure that fuel is free of contamination at the point of bunkering.

Scope of cross contamination

Chances of cross contamination is more even for  operators who opt for exhaust scrubbers like technologies over low sulphur fuels. This urges the importance of testing at the point of refuelling, which is the only way to confirm what is taken on-board.

Compliance through alternative fuels

The IMO 2020 regulations focuses on lowering the volume of sulphur oxides (SOx) produced by global shipping to curb air pollution. 

Options for compliance

While shipping operators can adhere to the targets by choosing to 

  • switch to alternative fuels such as LNG, or 
  • by fitting ‘scrubbing’ technologies to remove sulphur at the exhaust.

Compliant alternatives

Many fuel producers will turn to blended fuel oils containing FAME to create complaint biofuel alternatives to help to achieve the targets set out by the IMO. 

There are concerns voiced by maritime experts that this move will leave the marine fuel supply chain open to an enhanced risk of contamination.

Microbial contamination by FAME

Alan said that this has already proven the case in UK agricultural and plant fuel supplies.

Higher FAME concentrations of circa 7% entered the supply chain during Q2 2019. This has resulted in 

  • widespread microbial contamination, 
  • storage issues including temperature induced coagulation and 
  • degradation of fuel while in storage.    

Alan added that due to the rise in FAME, end users in these sectors are now relying on regular testing. They use fuel additives to protect their hardware from damage, reduce downtime and ensure that fuel remains in a usable condition. 

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Source: Star International