[FAQ] How To Disembark A Coronavirus Infected Ship?


As cruise after cruise are being affected by the coronavirus outbreak, WHO has released a detailed guidance on how to properly disembark from a ship in times like these.

So here’s how and what needs to be done.

Pre-disembarkation information

Until the termination of the COVID-19 public health emergency of international concern is
declared, it is recommended that all passengers and crew members complete their PLF, and
this should be kept on board for at least 1 month after their disembarkation.

Information in the completed PLF should be provided upon request to health authorities to facilitate contact tracing if a confirmed case is detected after disembarkation or after the voyage has ended.

Disembarkation of suspected cases

During the disembarkation of suspected cases, every effort should be made to minimize the
exposure of other persons and environmental contamination.

Suspected cases should be provided with a surgical mask to minimize the risk of transmission.

Staff involved in transporting suspected cases should apply infection control practices by following WHO’s guidance, which are summarized below.

  • When loading patients into the ambulance, transport staff, including medical staff,
    should routinely perform hand hygiene and wear a medical mask, eye protection
    (goggles or a face shield), a long-sleeved gown and gloves.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be changed after loading each patient
    and disposed of appropriately in containers with a lid and in accordance with national
    regulations for disposing of infectious waste.
  • The driver of the ambulance must remain separate from the cases (keeping at least 1
    m distance).
  • No PPE is required if distance can be maintained or a physical separation
    exists. If drivers must also help load the patients into the ambulance, they should
    follow the PPE recommendations in the previous point.
  • Transport vehicles must have as high a volume of air exchange as possible (for
    example, by opening the windows).
  • Transport staff should frequently clean their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or
    soap and water and ensure that they clean their hands before putting on PPE and
    after removing it.
  • Ambulances and transport vehicles should be cleaned and disinfected, with particular
    attention paid to the areas in contact with the suspected case.
  • Cleaning should be done with regular household soap or detergent first and then, after rinsing, regular
    household disinfectant containing 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (that is, equivalent to
    5000 ppm or 1 part bleach to 9 parts water) should be applied.

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Source: WHO