A Class Notation For Safe Shore Power Use


  • DNV’s updated Shore Power class notation addresses safety needs for tankers amid global legislation to reduce emissions.
  • Collaboration and industry-standard guidelines ensure safe shore power connections for efficient tanker operations.

As global legislation aims to reduce air pollution and cut carbon emissions, shore power offers ships a cleaner alternative to keep systems running while berthed. DNV’s updated Shore Power class notation, effective from July 1, 2023, specifically caters to the safety needs of tankers, addressing challenges related to their hazardous cargo.

International Regulations Spur Shore Power Adoption

Recent legislative developments, such as the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth Regulation, are pushing tanker owners to seek rules and standards for shore power. DNV’s class notation responds to these requirements, offering safety guidelines for tankers in line with international standards.

Complexities and Collaborative Efforts in Shore Power Connection Safety

Ensuring safe shore power connections for tankers involves addressing unique challenges due to their hazardous cargo. DNV’s class rules, developed in collaboration with industry organizations and a joint working group, provide guidelines for connecting points, cables, and safety measures. This collaborative effort establishes industry-standard guidelines, ensuring safety and well-being during tanker operations.

Shore Power: A Vital Choice for Tanker Efficiency and Compliance

As the shipping industry faces increased emphasis on decarbonization, shore power becomes a crucial choice for tanker owners looking to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. DNV recommends considering shore power during newbuilding planning stages and offers a ‘shore-power-ready’ qualifier for ships prepared for conversion. Keeping abreast of evolving maritime standards and trends is crucial, and shore power is positioned to play a significant role in meeting in-port emission restrictions.

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Source: DNV