A Courageous Woman Helps Victims In Paris Terror Attack



Terrorists attacked Paris leaving 1127 dead and many more injured.  In one of the sites, a heroic woman Margarida Sousa who lived opposite the Paris Theatre (Bataclan Theater) welcomed the seriously wounded into her home.

Many stormed into her home seeking refuge after escaping the scene of the terror attack.  She told how scores of people stormed into her home having fled the attack.   Margarida exclusively told The Mirror: “There were about 40 people who came into the building and they tried to hide everywhere.  They went into my apartment and also to an apartment on the fourth floor.  There were six injured and one critically, a girl who had two bullets in her back.”

Two men had been shot in their arms and were bleeding everywhere. “Another girl had a bullet lodged into her chest.  It was horrible, there was blood everywhere, everyone was completely panicked.”

“The firemen, police and medics protected the building, and everyone did what they could.  All injured were taken to the hospital.  I don’t know the name of the girl who was critically injured.”

A neighbour said: ” Margarida was amazing,  really looked after everyone and did the best she could. It was awful.”

Source: Mirror