A Lightering Vessel Sinks As Two Bulkers Collide!


Lightering Vessel

Accident : Collision
Vessel type : A Lightering vessel and Bulk carriers
Location : Outer anchorage of Chittagong port
Casualties/Pollution : Nil

A lightering vessel capsized after two bulk carriers collided at outer anchorage of Chittagong port.  The lightering vessel was berthed alongside a bulk carrier and was indulged in transferring cargo during the incident.  Rescue boats along with several tugs were dispatched immediately to conduct a Search and Rescue (SAR) operation to find the crew from the capsized lightering vessel.

According to the reports, all the 12 crew onboard the capsized vessel were rescued and hospitalised for medical examination.  Fortunately, there were no casualties or pollution.

Authorities started to investigate the cause of the accident.  According to the preliminary information, the authorities suspect that one of the two bulk carriers dragged anchor, or was maneuvering for dropping anchor, when it hit the other.  The officers on board of lightering vessel were not able to react in any way and to prevent capsizing.

Source: The New Nation