ABB Chosen To Optimize Turbocharger Service



ABB Turbocharging, the manufacturer of turbochargers for 500 kW to 80+ MW diesel and gas engines, has signed a long-term Maintenance Management Agreement (MMA) with Dynagas Ltd.  The service contract covers all Dynagas TFDE (tri-fuel diesel electric) vessels: Arctic Aurora, Yenisei River, Lena River, Clean Planet, Clean Ocean, Clean Horizon and Clean Vision.

ABB Turbocharging is also scheduling in advance turbochargers’ regular servicing for a period of 3 years, relieving the technical and administrative workload.

ABB Turbocharging offers information based on turbochargers’ condition, providing an annual budget plan, predictive maintenance, a single point of contact and access to over 50 service locations worldwide.

The flexibility offered by MMA is attractive to  more than 300 customers with over 15,000 turbochargers within the MMA framework.

Source: Energy Global