ABB Technology To Improve Eckerö Line’s Cruise Ferry Operational Safety


ABB’s situational awareness solution, ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot Vision, will allow MS Finlandia to enhance safety during maneuvering and docking, says a press release published on their website.

The installation team

ABB and Eckerö Line teams will install ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot Vision on board cruise ferry MS Finlandia with no interruption to the ship’s schedule.

In addition to the mechanical interface, ABB Marine & Ports Digital Service teams will support the crew to maximize the value from the system and integrate the additional tool with their current bridge team operations.

How is Marine Pilot Vision beneficial?

ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot Vision offers multiple real-time visualizations of a vessel’s surroundings presenting the ship and its environment in ways beyond the capabilities of the human eye.

With ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot Vision is deployed, a virtual model of the ship is superimposed on real surroundings measured using various sensor technologies. This allows for monitoring the vessel and its surroundings from a birds-eye view and switching to other views instantaneously.

The solution makes it easier to predict vessel motions with respect to the actual surroundings and gives the user visibility of previously hidden obstacles.

“Our goal is to improve environmental performance and safety, and we worked with ABB to achieve greater efficiency in docking and high traffic situations.  Our customers demand high levels of safety in all conditions and this solution enables our crew to provide a reliable service that doesn’t comprise their expectations,” said Daniel Olsén, Technical Manager, Eckerö Group.

Enhanced docking safety and efficiency

“Digitalization provides solutions for existing and newbuild ships alike,” said Jyri Jusslin, Head of Global Service, ABB Marine & Ports. “This retrofit does exactly that. Enhancing docking safety and efficiency will also allow Finlandia’s crew to support their schedule, in conditions that can vary from bright sunlight to dark icy conditions throughout the year.”

The cruise ferry is operated by the Finnish shipping company Eckerö Line and makes return voyages three times daily between Helsinki in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia.

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Source: ABB