About To Turn 30 ? Here’s A Checklist To Ponder Over !


Raise your hands if you are among those who still think of the ’70s when you hear “30 years ago”. Now let reality sink in: every single 90s kid in the world will be 30 by the end of this decade. Before you get too disheartened, always remember that A, Father Time will eventually sneak up on everyone, and B, age is just a number. Regardless, it is a very exciting period and to help you prepare for it, here’s a few realizations you need to stumble upon before entering this stage of your life.

Health Is Wealth

We should use the last few years of our 20s to get rid of bad habits, particularly those that are detrimental to our health. Be it through ditching junk food, quitting smoking, or finally following that workout routine you made when you were 21, we must clean up our acts and be more mindful when it comes to our health. 

Healthy Relations

Sure, we cut off some people for genuine reasons. However, we also ruin so many relationships/friendships over the pettiest of reasons. One thing you will eventually realize is that you never know when you will need people in your life and when they will come in handy. So, don’t just cut people left and right in the heat of the moment. You might need them, they might need you.

Being a Role Model

Whether it’s your child or your friend’s. Whether it’s a younger colleague or someone from your neighborhood, you’ll come to the realization that your life now has a plethora of individuals who look up to you and will turn to you to seek guidance.

Hard Work Over Talent

Talent will certainly open doors for you but without hard work, those doors will shut down faster than they opened for you to begin with. Life is not a race, it’s more of a marathon and while talent can get you a head start, it’s consistency that will get you across the finishing line. 

Working On Hobbies

Our hobbies are a big part of our identities but the pressures of life can often lead us to abandon them. It is imperative that we don’t let that be the case because, at the end of the day, hobbies give us a sense of self. So, no matter how “childish” they can appear to be, don’t ditch them. 

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Source: TheDailystar