All You Need To Know About Monkey Island on Ships


The “monkey island” is a deck at the most accessible height on a ship, directly above the navigating bridge. It is also called the ship’s upper bridge or flying bridge on top of a pilothouse or chart house, sources Marine Insight. 

Exploring Some Origin Theories 

There is no evidence about how and why the term ‘Monkey Island’ came to be used. However, there are a few theories. 

Theory 1

Monkey Island was at the top of the main mast of sailing ships, and sailors had to climb up to free or repair the sails or to watch out for icebergs, reefs or land. The act of climbing was compared to the climb of monkeys and so this interesting name evolved.

Theory 2

According to this theory, it is believed that in ancient days, cannon balls were stored aboard ships in a brass frame or trays called “monkey”. During extreme cold, the brass trays would contract and spill the cannon balls.

Hence, a humorous reference was established that the climate was cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey.

However, this theory is hardly believed because of several reasons:

  1. There is no evidence found that such a “deck” was named “monkey”.
  2. The rate of contraction of the brass frame cannot cause the mentioned effect.
  3. Per records, cannon balls were not stored on the deck except during a battle. The deck was kept as clear as possible
  4. Practically it is impossible to store cannon balls at such height as during heavy rolling and pitching, the cannon balls would fall off causing harm to the ship and crew.

In modern-day merchant ships, Monkey Island is where most external parts of the bridge equipment are kept.

Units Placed 

While the navigation bridge has display interfaces of bridge equipment for use by the OOW, the monkey island is where the ‘powerhouse’ of each equipment is placed.

Some of the units placed on the monkey island are:

  • VDR capsule
  • AIS Tx/Rx antennae
  • Radar scanner(s) attached to the radar mast
  • Sat C/F77 Tx/Rx antennae
  • Communication equipment gear
  • Various halyards connected to the yardarm to hoist flags
  • Weather vane
  • The mast leading up to the ‘Christmas Tree’ (navigation lights)
  • The mast leading up to the ship’s aft whistle

One of the most important pieces of equipment carried on the monkey island, which is also mandatory per SOLAS carriage requirements, is the magnetic compass.

SOLAS states, “All ships irrespective of size shall have a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass or other means, independent of any power supply to determine the ship’s heading and display the reading at the main steering position”. A periscope leads from below the compass to the bridge to give the OOW the magnetic heading.

Maintenance of Monkey Island is important as it houses vital equipment. Hence, the Monkey Deck must be de-rusted, painted, and cleaned as per the ship’s schedule to prevent the buildup of salt particles, and dust and reduce damage due to exposure to weather. It must also be pressure-washed with fresh water.

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Source: MarineInsight