Alphabet Is Now First In List


Alphabet is now first in the list of the world’s most valuable company after its latest earnings report.


Alphabet, Google’s parent company now tops the list by beating Apple.  The company Doubled its fourth quarter earnings.  By this its net worth rose to around $568bn, compared with Apple, which has a value of $535bn.

This has directly impacted Alphabet’s share value which has raised by 9% in after-hours trading.

Alphabet has separated out the results of its Google business – which includes the search engine and YouTube – from its “Other Bets” business. A lphabet made $16.3bn but its “Other Bets” business lost $3.6bn during the period.

Google’s latest attempts like driverless cars, internet-enabled helium balloons and Google Glass has splashed $3.6bn last year.  While Google side of Alphabet doing so very well.

With this same style Alphabet will continue to be the flash spot for investors.

Alphabet’s claiming of the most valuable company title has been seen by some as a passing of the technology baton.

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