Amendments To Regulations on Marine Equipment – Updated Table


The Norwegian Maritime Authority has laid down amendments to the Regulations of 30 August 2016 No. 1042 on marine equipment.


The Norwegian Maritime Authority has laid down amendments to the Regulations of 30 August 2016 No. 1042 on marine equipment.

Regulation (EU) 2024/1975 was adopted on 19 July 2024 and published in the EU Official Journal on 26 July 2024. The Regulation enters into force on in the EU on 4 September 2024. To maintain equal competition, it is of great importance for manufacturers and notified bodies in the EFTA States to adhere to the same standards as those in the rest of the EEA. On 2 September 2024, the decision was made to incorporate the Regulation into the EEA Agreement. These amendments now officially bring the EU Regulation into Norwegian law.


The proposed amendments were circulated for review from 28 June to 18 August 2024. Due to the importance of aligning Norwegian design, construction and performance requirements and testing standards with those in force in the EU, a shortened consultation period was deemed necessary. This was in line with the “Instructions for Official Studies and Reports”. No comments were received during the consultation process.

Details on the legislation

The EU Regulation has been incorporated into section 2 of the Regulations on marine equipment, meaning the EU Regulation will apply directly as regulation, word for word. In section 2 of the Regulations, the reference to Regulation (EU) 2023/1667 is replaced with a new reference to Regulation (EU) 2024/1975.

The structure remains consistent, listing the requirements for design, construction, performance, and testing for each piece of equipment in a table format. This table also references the origin of the requirements in the relevant international conventions and indicates the applicable modules for conformity assessment for each piece of equipment.

Where requirements are amended, the table will indicate the earliest date when equipment satisfying the new requirement can be placed on the market and the last date when equipment certified under the old requirements can be placed on board.

Although EU regulations and other legal acts incorporated into the EEA Agreement are translated into Norwegian, official translations may take time. To address this, an unofficial Norwegian translation of the EU Regulation will be published on Lovdata alongside the Regulations for informational purposes as soon as it becomes available.

Financial and administrative consequences of the proposal

The pan-European regime ensures harmonised implementation of international convention requirements (SOLAS, MARPOL, COLREG) and promotes equal competitive conditions for manufacturers and notified bodies. The common rules also help reduce transaction costs related to placing marine equipment on the market. This regime is intended to ensure that marine equipment sold, installed, or placed on board Norwegian ships meets appropriate safety standards.The proposed amendments do not alter the conformity assessment and certification process itself, and thus will not impose any additional administrative or financial burden on the industry beyond those already required by international conventions. The financial and administrative impact on authorities is limited to participation in EU processes to draft amendments to the Marine Equipment Directive and subsequently implement those amendments into Norwegian legislation.

Regulation concerning amendments to the Regulations of 30 August 2016 No. 1042 on marine equipment

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Source: SDIR