American Club Launch Good Catch Guidance For Seafarers


  • The American Club has recently launched an important new loss prevention initiative entitled Good Catch.
  • Good Catch is currently available for download in English and in both new and traditional Mandarin.
  • Good Catch is aimed directly at seafarers themselves. 

The American Club has recently launched an important new loss prevention initiative entitled Good Catch, says an article published on their website. 

Aimed directly at seafarers

As it gains increasing momentum, five safety advisories having been issued in the two months since the campaign was launched, Good Catch is aimed directly at seafarers themselves. 

It combines alerts and animations on safety-related issues in a focused format. Good Catch is currently available for download in English and in both new and traditional Mandarin.

Emphasizes the importance of a safety culture

Good Catch recognizes that, although there may be differences in detail between individual safety management systems, they all have a common purpose in ensuring seafarers’ situational awareness and their personal responsibility for their own safety, that of their shipmates, the marine environment, and the many other interests involved in their service at sea. 

The initiative emphasizes the importance of a strong safety culture which identifies, assesses and reports unsafe conditions, unsafe acts and near misses using case study examples.

Elements of the campaign

Elements of the campaign already released include: reduction of CO2 emissions; dangers of over reliance on ECDIS²; engine room egress in case of fire and questionable risk assessments of various situations. A number more are planned over the coming months.

Dr. William Moore, Head of Global Loss Prevention, Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., the Club’s Managers, said: “We have over the recent past issued animations on bunkering and the handling of steel and rice cargoes; a library of safety, environmental and cargo handling e-Learning modules; safety comics and posters, but the focus of Good Catch is on informing seafarers themselves. We look to help them to become more situationally aware of their surroundings as well as make them aware that they are most responsible for their own safety and the safety of those who work beside them, in conjunction with the company and safety management system procedures under which they operate.

“As Managers of the Club, we meet with the Club Board’s Safety and Environmental Protection Committee, comprised of Club Directors, every quarter to discuss loss prevention and survey related activities. Earlier this year, the Committee requested the Managers to maintain an undiminished focus on seafarer and ship safety in parallel with initiatives to inhibit environmental exposure, given the Club’s especially valuable insights to both areas of concern to the safe and environmentally friendly operation of ships.”

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Source: american club