‘Ammonia-fuel Ready LNG-fueled Vessel’ Concept Design Launched


NYK, MTI Co. and Finnish maritime consulting and engineering firm Elomatic Oy are developing a concept design for an ‘ammonia-ready’ LNG-fuelled vessel, says a press release published on their website.

ARLFV design concept

Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (hereinafter, NYK), MTI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, MTI), and Elomatic Oy, a Finnish maritime consulting and engineering firm, launched the development of a concept design for “Ammonia-fuel Ready LNG-Fueled Vessel” (ARLFV), which covers the transition to future marine fuel.

Low-environmental-load marine fuels

The NYK Group also participates in activities such as the Project for Safe Use of Ammonia as Marine Fuel that aim at launching zero-emission ships that run on such low-environmental-load marine fuels as ammonia or hydrogen in future.

About ARLFV concept

The NYK Group and Elomatic launched the development of a concept design for “Ammonia-fuel Ready LNG-Fueled Vessel” (ARLFV), which can be converted to a ship using ammonia as a marine fuel once its supply is ready. ARLFV is set as a “Next Bridge Solution” to cover the transition of the marine fuel from LNG to ammonia.

Identify and explore challenges

The development of a concept design is being conducted by the NYK Group and Elomatic between September 2021 and January 2022 to identify and explore challenges to the actual design and construction of ARLFV.

The results of development will be released in a video with accompanying 3D models in January 2022 at the time of the project’s completion.

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Source: NYK