An Imminent Multi-Device Update For WhatsApp Web And Desktop


While we’re waiting for a new version for multi-device, that allows linking a secondary mobile device to your WhatsApp account, planned at a later date, WhatsApp is now announcing an imminent multi-device update for WhatsApp Web and Desktop to bring fixes and improvements, reports Webetainfo.

The multi-device beta

Exactly 8 months ago, WhatsApp offered early access to join the multi-device beta on WhatsApp beta for Android and iOS. When you join the multi-device beta, you can use WhatsApp on up to four linked desktop devices at the same time, without requiring an active Internet connection on your phone. Since it was a beta, everyone could decide to opt-in and opt-out at any time:

This feature has totally changed the experience while using WhatsApp, and the company is always working on bringing the latest bug fixes and improvements for multi-device.


In November 2021, WhatsApp rolled out some improvements for multi-device, for example, people don’t receive chat notifications when the security code changes after an update of the devices list and other improvements to increase the compatibility with Portal. After this update, some people could not opt-out of the beta anymore since multi-device is considered more stable.

The company is also working on improving the login process while organizing messages, in particular when there are a lot of messages to download and they are working on making the login experience faster.

Some improvements were rolled out in November and January, but more is coming: WhatsApp expects to roll out the same changes and more improvements to all iOS users within the end of this month and Android users in April, ensuring the best security experience through end-to-end encryption while using multi-device.

Missing features 

However, WhatsApp is aware that some features are missing, like the ability to generate link previews, broadcast lists, missing chat with your own phone number, and more, but they are working on bringing these features in the next releases.

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Source: Webetainfo