APL Announce 47.4% Reduction in Carbon Emissions


Following the CMA CGM Group’s reinforcement of  environmental objectives, APL announced a 47.4% reduction in CO2 emissions per container transported per kilometre in 2018, compared to its base level in 2009, reports Sea News.

Data verified by Lloyd’s Register Group

The result follows the Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) of APL’s 2018 carbon dioxide emission data by the global non-profit organization Business for Social Responsibility’s (BSR’s) Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG).

The Clean Cargo EPA data was verified by Lloyd’s Register Group according to the Clean Cargo verification protocol and principles of ISO14064-3:2006 standard.

Protection of Environment

Dennis Yee, APL Global Head for Safety Security and Environment, commented that APL is strictly committed towards the protection of the environment and the reduction of its carbon emissions.

He added that the successful results achieved in this area would be applied for excellence in shipping.

Reduction in Carbon Emission

APL in collaboration with the CMA CGM Group works in reducing carbon dioxide emissions per container transported per kilometre by 30% between 2015 and 2025, after the Group has achieved a 50% reduction between 2005 and 2015.

APL’s operational efficiencies, and deployment of a fuel-efficient fleet of vessels, are the two driving factors in vessel performance.

Use of low Sulphur fuel to reduce Air pollution

APL will be using low-sulphur compliant fuel oil across its vessel fleet in correspondence to the  2020 Global Sulphur Cap. This implies that there will be advanced air quality systems, that will clean emissions before they are released into the atmosphere.

According to vessel plans of the CMA CGM Group, liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fuelled vessels will be employed.

APL takes delivery of nine new 22,000 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) LNG-powered ships from 2020 onwards, all in compliance with the environmental protection acts.  APL vessels fitted with cold ironing capabilities also checks the rate of air pollution in US West Coast ports.

APL in Environmental protection

APL is now represented on the Clean Cargo Steering Committee. In this regard, APL stands at the forefront of discussions related to clean energy sources and  innovation which aids global trade. APL has various tie-ups with the customers so that they too can make a difference in reducing carbon footprint via their shipments with APL.

Quarterly reports of carbon emissions are being monitored by the ocean carrier, which gives a detailed picture of their carbon performance. Meanwhile, collaborative opportunities are also being investigated to improve carbon efficiency.

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Source: Seanews