Aquaterra Energy Develops State Of The Art CO2 Monitoring Platform

Credits: matthias-heyde/ Unsplash

Offshore carbon capture and storage is an important technology that will be essential for supporting our global transition to net zero. Critical to the success of offshore carbon capture and storage will be the ability to guarantee the performance of the storage formation, and to prevent leakage back into the water column. 

CO2 Monitoring

Aquaterra has developed a complete CO2 monitoring solution for offshore carbon capture and storage that uses field-proven technology to provide confidence so that storage sites perform as expected, against baseline engineering and seismic data, during and post CO2 injection. This, combined with the patent pending approach to long-term site integrity, will provide a further measure of security by alerting engineers to any actual CO2 leaks into the water column long during and after the injection process has been completed. 

  • Provides early indicators of potential leakage, supporting proactive mitigation measures to be implemented  
  • Detection of leakage and its source, supporting early reactive repairs to be implemented 
  • Provides long-term monitoring throughout the entire CO2 storage reservoir, for the lifetime of the facility 

Subsurface Repeat Seismic

Permanently installed shallow bore hole fiber optic arrays can be the first line of defense and provide evidence that the storage site is performing as expected against the baseline engineering and seismic data, during and post CO2 injection. The CO2 plume can be tracked, and its migration within the formation compared against predictions and storage site expectations. Should any deviations arise, it allows for proactive measures to be taken against potential leakage. Such as reducing, redirecting or stopping the injection process before a problem manifests into a leak into the water column. 

Dissolved Gas

The addition of dissolved gas sensors (potentially at the same remote node location) offers a further measure of security, alerting engineers to actual CO2 leaks into the water column via a reactive alarm system. This patent-pending approach enables meaningful analysis of location and magnitude of a leak as dissolved gas data is combined with current velocity, direction as well as data from other nodes.

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Source: Aquaterraenergy