Are You Sleeping on The Wrong Pillow?


A pillow can make or break your sleep – this simple test will help you figure out if yours is ideal or not. Choosing the best pillow for you sleeping position, along with knowing how many pillows you should sleep with will significantly improve your in-bed comfort. If you’re unsure whether yours is up to the job or not, there’s a simple test you can do at home to figure it out. To help, we asked Dr Verena Senn, neurobiologist and Head of Sleep research at Emma Sleep(opens in new tab), to share her advice on all things pillow-shaped, reports Tech Radar.

How to test if you’re sleeping on the wrong pillow

When you’re sleeping on the wrong pillow for your sleep style, you could be at risk of neck pain and posture issues. Thankfully there’s an easy way to tell if yours suits you or not.

If you have a family member or friend nearby, Dr Senn says you can ask them to check your head, neck and spine while your head is resting on your pillow. You could also set up your phone or camera to take a photo of yourself lying down.

This is what to look for, according to Dr Senn: “Imagine a flat, horizontal line running up along the center of your spine. Your head should neither be above nor below your spine.” If your bodyline curves or bends, then it’s time to find a pillow that offers the support you need.

How many pillows should you sleep with?

“There is no one size fits all when it comes to the number of pillows,” says Dr Senn. “Rather it’s about figuring out the right size and number for your body.” For some sleepers a single pillow will be sufficient, while for others two might offer the comfort and support they need.

The key thing to keep in mind is to ensure your head and neck are supported while in a neutral position, mitigating any stress on the seven vertebrae in your neck that can lead to pain and discomfort.

You’ll also want to take into account the type of pillow you have. “If you have very thin pillows you might need more than one,” explains Dr Senn, “whereas a large pillow may create un-alignment in your neck with just a single pillow.” For example, our petite tester had this issue for our Saatva Down Alternative pillow review.

How to pick a pillow and match it to your mattress

“When on the hunt for the perfect pillow, you should consider what type of sleeper you are,” says Dr Verena. Knowing your dominant sleep style (side, back or stomach) will point you towards the ideal pillow.

How about sleepers who find themselves very hot at night? Dr Verena says the material of your pillowcase should be made with a breathable fabric – think cotton or copper – to allow heat to flow from your head into the atmosphere.

Here are Dr Verena’s recommendations for each sleep style:

  • Back sleepers “should seek a thinner, flatter pillow to align the neck with the spine.” For sleepers who already experience neck pain, Dr Verena suggests they opt for a more supportive pillow.
  • Side sleepers, meanwhile, need a thicker, firmer pillow. Dr Verena says good rule of thumb is to find a pillow “as thick as the distance between your shoulder and ear.” Read our Layla Kapok Pillow review for an excellent pillow for side sleeping.
  • Stomach sleepers will benefit from a soft pillow…if they even want a pillow under their head at all. For the latter group, Dr Verena recommends they place a soft pillow under their stomach and pelvis for proper alignment.

Sleeping on the best mattress will only do so much for your sleep quality if your pillow isn’t holding up its end of the bargain. “When choosing a pillow, it’s always worth considering the type of mattress you have, as different mattresses provide varying levels of support,” says Dr Senn.

Your mattress should support your whole body – hips, shoulder, head, and legs. Adding the right pillow will allow it to work in harmony with your bed to provide proper alignment and all-around comfort so you wake up refreshed.

Dr Senn emphasizes that “your pillow plays just as important a role in improving your sleep quality as your mattress.” Spend some time testing out pillows of varying firmness and materials to find the right one, many come on a risk-free trial of at least 30 days too, so you’ll have time to get acquainted.

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Source: Tech Radar