Armed Pirates Aboard Offshore Supply Tug!


  • Offshore tug, supply ship Maersk Transporter was attacked and boarded by armed pirates in Gulf of Mexico.
  • The incident occurred in the same area where the Italian supply ship Remas was attacked.
  • The vessel was looted and the crew members were taken as hostages.

Maersk offshore supply tug, Maersk Transporter, was attacked in Gulf of Mexico by pirates, writes Erofey Schkvarkin for Maritime Bulletin.

Pirates on-board

Offshore tug, supply ship Maersk Transporter was attacked and boarded by armed pirates on the night of April 12 in Gulf of Mexico off Cuidad Del Carmen, Mexico.

The vessel was attacked roughly in the same area where the Italian supply ship Remas was attacked, 3 days ago. Attack was carried out in the same manner too.

Crew unharmed

The pirates raided the ship and looted the valuable items. Crew members were taken hostages and they were not hurt.

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Source: Maritime Bulletin