Armed Pirates Kidnap Two German Sailors in Indonesia


Armed Pirates Kidnap Two German Sailors In Indonesia


Incident : Hijack
Vessel involved : Faraway, a German Yacht
Location : Strait of Lombok off Bali Island, Indonesia

The Yacht, with two Germans on board, was on round the world trip.  When the vessel was near the Strait of Lombok in an attempt to call Bali, the vessel was hijacked by the armed pirates.  The pirates took control of the vessel and went in an unknown direction.

The two Germans successfully sent a message to their families regarding the pirates and the physical forces of the pirates on them before the kidnapping.

 Indonesia Police Department said, “Until now the German yacht Faraway has not been found.  We have ordered carry out search tasks to the maximum and to investigate the accident.  We understood about the accident from a text message from a passenger on board.  The owner of the yacht Diana Christa Lorens made a short call to her family, but after that communicate only by text messages.”

The Indonesian Police and German Embassy covered the incident for several days for investigating and tracking the hijacked vessel.  Till now, the Pirates did not demand ransom.

 Source: Yachting and Boating World