Asia Pacific Shipping Orders Two LPG/Ammonia Carriers from Jiangnan Shipyard

Jiangnan Shipyard has inked an order for two mid-size liquefied petroleum gas/liquid ammonia carriers new buildings with Hanoi-based Asia Pacific Shipping, reports Seatrade Maritime.

About the deal

The order for two 50,000 cu meter vessels is the first liquid gas carrier order that Asia Pacific Shipping has placed at a Chinese shipyard. It also represents an important step Jiangnan Shipyard has taken to expand the Southeast Asia market.

The two new vessels independently developed by Jiangnan Shipyard, will be able to load diversified petrochemicals. The vessels will incorporate two deck-mounted LPG fuel tanks, enabling LPG-fuelled operations with longer-range voyages.

It is the second batch of liquid gas carrier contracts Jiangnan Shipyard has inked within a week following the up to four 48,500 cu m liquid ethylene gas carriers from Navigator Gas, further strengthening Jiangnan’s position in the global liquid gas carrier construction market.

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Source: Seatrade Maritime