Australians Are Being Advised To Obtain Flu Injections


  • At least 42 coronavirus deaths were recorded on Wednesday in Australia, with 10 in New South Wales, 13 in Victoria, 10 in Western Australia and nine in Queensland.
  • So far in April, there have been 770 deaths.
  • But he said with influenza cases also on the rise, people must get vaccinated against the flu to reduce the burden.

Australians have been warned to acquire their flu vaccinations in order to help hospitals cope with an increase of Covid-19 cases and double-digit daily mortality tolls in several areas in the coming months as reported by The Guardian.

Covid deaths

At least 42 coronavirus deaths were recorded on Wednesday in Australia, with 10 in New South Wales, 13 in Victoria, 10 in Western Australia and nine in Queensland.

There were 4,027 Covid deaths nationally in the first quarter of 2022, data from the Actuaries Institute shows, including 1,668 in January, 1,520 in February and 839 in March.

So far in April, there have been 770 deaths.

“The overriding picture is that we are seeing people in hospital with Covid who have underlying health conditions or are immunosuppressed,” he said.

“It’s mainly those in their 50s, 60s and 70s with severe underlying conditions getting into trouble at the moment.”


Kovacic said the hospital system was coping and was well prepared for any increase in hospitalisations over the winter months.

But he said with influenza cases also on the rise, people must get vaccinated against the flu to reduce the burden.

“Underlying disease can encompass quite a spectrum of diseases, from high blood pressure to advanced cancer, and even in those with a limited life expectancy a death from Covid may still have taken away valuable time from their life,” he said.

The cause of death can be difficult to attribute, Cheng said.

Some are clearly unrelated, for example, trauma.

And some are complex, such as Covid in a patient with advanced cancer.

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Source: The Guardian