BA.4, BA.5 Now Variants Of Concern


  • The Illinois Department of Public Health today reported 40,026 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease in Illinois, including 45 deaths since May 6, 2022.
  • Today alone, Illinois registered 8,411 new COVID-19 cases and seven additional deaths.
  • Currently, IDPH reports a total of 3,209,341 cases, including 33,705 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois since the beginning of the pandemic.

A recent news article published in the Community 99 states that BA.4, BA.5 now variants of concern. 40,000+ New Illinois cases;  23 Counties now at medium level- Kane County Connects.

909 people in hospital with Covid 19

As of last night, 909 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of these, 87 patients were in the intensive care unit and 25 patients with COVID-19 were on a respirator. The preliminary seven-day state-wide case rate is 314 COVID-19 cases per year. 100,000 inhabitants of Illinois.

According to the CDC, 23 counties in Illinoisis now assessed at the medium community level, including 14 counties in the northern part of the state, eight in the central part and one in southern Illinois.

At medium Community level, persons at risk of serious health risks are advised to take additional precautions to protect against the virus, including masking in indoor spaces.

23 Illinois counties now listed

The 23 Illinois counties now listed on Between community level includes Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, LaSalle, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, Whiteside, Will, and Winnebago in northeastern Illinois; and Sangamon, Champaign, DeWitt, Ford, Logan, Mason, McLean and Peoria in the center of the state; and Johnson in southern Illinois.

At the medium societal level, people who are elderly or immunocompromised (at risk of serious outcomes) are advised to wear a mask in indoor public places.

In addition, they should make sure to be updated on their COVID-19 vaccines or get their 2nd booster if they are qualified.

“As the number of cases increases, we urge the public not to be alarmed, but to be aware of this trend and to act by ensuring that they are up to date with vaccinations and booster shots,” said IDPH’s acting director Amaal Tokars.

“Additionally, in areas that are rated for a medium community level, people who are elderly or immunocompromised are strongly advised to mask themselves indoors. And if you test positive, you should consult with a healthcare provider to get a prescription for the therapeutic treatments that are widely available. The treatments are much more effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths when taken early in the course of the disease.”

IDPH has supported pharmacies and healthcare providers in their efforts to increase their stocks of the various FDA-authorized treatments. There are more than 1200 treatment sites in Illinois – including all the major retail pharmacies.

More than 96.7% of the state’s population is within a 10 mile radius of one of these places.

A total of 22,099,637 vaccines have been administered in Illinois. The 7-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 11,586 doses.

Since May 6, 2022, 81,101 doses have been reported administered in Illinois. Of Illinois’s total population, more than 76% have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, more than 69% of Illinois’ total population are fully vaccinated, and more than 51% of the vaccinated population are boosted, according to data from Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Data indicate that the risk of hospitalization and severe outcome of COVID-19 is much higher for unvaccinated people than for those who are up to date on their vaccinations.

Precautions to be followed

State health officials emphasize the following precautions for those at high risk for serious illness:

  • Get vaccinated and stay up to date on recommended booster shots to protect yourself, your loved ones and friends.
  • If you are in an area with increasing COVID-19 infections, wear a mask if you enter indoor spaces with other people present, and consider avoiding large gatherings.
  • Stick to well-ventilated areas if you are not wearing a mask indoors around other people.
  • If you feel flu-like symptoms, isolate yourself and stay home from work as well as social gatherings; and get a test as soon as possible.
  • If you test positive, talk to your provider immediately so you can get COVID-19 treatment within five days of starting to feel sick. Also communicate about the positive result with people you have been in close contact with within two days of becoming ill or testing positive.
  • Continue to wash your hands frequently and cover coughs and sneezes.

Data subject to change

All data are preliminary and subject to change. Further information and COVID-19 data can be found at

Vaccination is the key to stopping this pandemic. To find a COVID-19 vaccination site near you, go to

The federal government has established a new website that provides a toolkit for all purposes with information on how to get masks, treatment, vaccines and test resources for all areas of the country at:

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Source: Community 99