Back To School with Biodiesel


In fact, we’re celebrating 25 million miles driven on biodiesel blends this year. That’s why I am urging all school bus fleets to take a serious look at adopting biodiesel to reduce their carbon footprint and clean up the air that students, drivers and the community breathe.


When I wanted to introduce biodiesel in 2005, he was all for it. Twenty-five million gallons later, I’ve concluded that biodiesel is the fastest, easiest way to decarbonize a school bus and clear the air.

We use biodiesel blends, up to 20 percent, in pretty much everything with a diesel engine. For us that’s about 2,200 buses. It’s been very reliable. We would never use a fuel with any risk of breaking down for any reason. We must hit a window within five or 10 minutes every day, and follow that schedule year-round, even when the temperature hits zero degrees.

As a for-profit company, any decision we make also has to make “dollars and cents.” That’s what I like about biodiesel – it’s cost-effective. We don’t have to change anything on the engine. Also, I can run biodiesel one day and diesel the next, if necessary.

At the heart of our commitment to biodiesel is that it is better for the children. Modern buses are cleaner than they’ve ever been, but now we have restrictions around the school and idling is not allowed. Biodiesel is going to reduce emissions, especially in older vehicles, and you don’t lose efficiency.

As if that weren’t enough, we also know that biodiesel is better for our engines – an added bonus! For many years, we’ve rebuilt our own engines and transmissions. Biodiesel replaced lubricity that was taken out from Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel – and the reduced wear and tear is clearly visible.

I also like the fact that biodiesel supports our state’s soybean farmers rather than feeding the foreign oil machine.

I serve as a “Bio Ambassador,” a volunteer mentoring program, and am proud to help anyone considering biodiesel to take that next step. It’s easy. It works. And it will lead us to a better place, as the industry charged with one of the most important jobs in the world.

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Source: Biofuels USA