Bad Weather Caused Cars and Trucks Damage Inside a Ferry


Rough Weather Damages Cars On Ferry


On Monday night, despite a reported forecast about a rough weather by the Bureau of Meteorology across much of Victoria and Tasmania, the Spirit of Tasmania left Melbourne for its scheduled trip across Bass Strait.

Huge swells and high winds made the ship crossing from Melbourne to Devonport feel like a “carnage”.  The rough journey on the vessel resulted in damages to several vehicles onboard.

"That's gonna be one huge insurance claim," said one passenger of the carnage below-decks.

Terry Schutz, managing director of South Australian company Tough-As Products, said there was nothing unusual about the trip until the early hours of Tuesday morning.

“The waves were smashing the ship and once or twice the vessel leaned heavily and everything flew off the tables in the rooms,” he added.  Loud crashes and screams can be heard in the background.

During the voyage, passengers suspected there had been movement on the parking decks. They were right.

A spokesperson for the Spirit of Tasmania confirmed on Tuesday morning that both vessels experienced choppy conditions overnight.

“Both Spirit of Tasmania vessels were delayed into Melbourne and Devonport because of rough weather and high winds,” the spokesperson said.

A Spirit of Tasmania spokeswoman confirmed a number of vehicles had been damaged on the journey from Melbourne to Devonport.

“Some cargo and passenger vehicles shifted on the overnight crossing from Melbourne to Devonport.  Any damage to vehicles is yet to be determined.”

No damage to the ship was recorded.

The car crushed under the truck.

Source: The Age