Bahamas Maritime Authority Issues Alert on Revised Ballast Water Record Books


The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) has released a Technical Alert detailing the availability of updated Ballast Water Record Books. These updates align with the amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (Ballast Water Management/BWM Convention), according to an article published on their website.

Required Entries in the Ballast Water Record Book

  1. Ballast Water Uptake (Ballasting Operation)
    • Start and completion times, and locations (port or latitude/longitude)
    • Tanks affected
    • Estimated volume of uptake and total quantity retained (cubic meters)
    • Compliance with the approved Ballast Water Management Plan
    • Ballast water treatment method
  2. Ballast Water Discharge (Deballasting Operation)
    • Start and completion times, and locations (port or latitude/longitude)
    • Tanks affected
    • Estimated volume of discharge and total quantity retained (cubic meters)
    • Compliance with the approved Ballast Water Management Plan
    • Ballast water treatment method
  3. Ballast Water Exchange, Internal Circulation, or In-Tank Treatment
    • Exchange:
      • Start and completion times, and locations (latitude/longitude)
      • Distance from nearest land and depth of water, or designated exchange area
      • Compliance with the Ballast Water Management Plan and exchange method used
      • Tanks affected and total quantity exchanged (cubic meters)
      • Treatment method for incoming ballast water
    • Internal Circulation/In-Tank Treatment:
      • Start and completion times
      • Tanks affected (source and destination if applicable)
      • Total quantity treated (cubic meters)
      • Treatment method
  4. Uptake or Discharge from/to Port-Based or Reception Facility
    • Start and completion times, and locations (facility name)
    • The operation carried out (uptake or discharge)
    • Tanks affected
    • Total quantity (cubic meters) and final quantity retained on board
    • Compliance with the approved Ballast Water Management Plan
    • Onboard treatment method
  5. Accidental Discharge/Ingress or Exceptional Uptake/Discharge
    • Start and completion times, and locations (port or latitude/longitude)
    • The operation carried out (ingress, uptake, or discharge)
    • Tanks affected
    • Total quantity (cubic meters)
    • Circumstances, reasons, treatment method used, and general remarks
  6. Failures and Inoperabilities of the Ballast Water Management System
    • Time and location (port or latitude/longitude) of system failure
    • The operation carried out (uptake or discharge)
    • Description of the issue (alarm or other circumstances)
    • Time and location (port or latitude/longitude) when the system became operational
  7. Ballast Tank Cleaning/Flushing, Sediment Removal, and Disposal
    • Time and location on commencement and completion (port or latitude/longitude)
    • Tank(s) identification (as per the Ballast Water Management Plan)
    • Discharge or disposal to a reception facility (quantity and facility name)
    • Disposal or discharge to the aquatic environment (quantity, distance from land, and depth of water)

The BMA’s Technical Alert ensures that maritime operators adhere to updated international standards, promoting safe and environmentally responsible ballast water management.

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Source: Bahamas Maritime