Benchmarking Key To shared Decarbonisation Drive


In its latest annual review DSF said that the short-term decarbonisation targets for the sector are achievable but the long-term aims remain a challenge, that is because 2050 targets require alternative fuels that can only be produced through the investment and regulation from governments, reports Seatrade Maritime.

Energy market

With maritime an effective niche player in the energy market, it was not possible for the industry to lead on the development of alternative fuels, according to DSF, however, the group believes the sector could incentivise decarbonisation through proper benchmarking and sharing the benefits of efficient fuel use.

“When competitive analyses are made public (e.g. improved Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) ratings), it further motivates shipowners and operators to enhance their practices to meet or surpass benchmarks, fostering industry-wide improvements.”

Ship operators are still responsible for operational implications of retrofits, new technologies, and fuel types.

However, any “fuel not consumed” would be an “equity kicker” that rewards operational efficiency.

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Source: Seatrade Maritime