Beware! Here Comes the New World Order, Survey Says

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Russia’s war in Ukraine is dividing opinion between people in Western nations and those in countries like China, India and Turkey, a new poll suggests — hinting at a future multipolar world order where Europe and the U.S. are less influential, reports Politico.

The war has laid bare the “sharp geographical divides in global attitudes” on “conceptions of democracy, and the composition of the future international order,” according to a new survey out Wednesday from the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

A future multipolar world

Data collected from nine EU countries, plus the U.K., China, India, Turkey, Russia and the U.S., suggests that while Western allies have “regained their sense of purpose on the global stage,” the gulf between their perspective and the “rest” has grown wider, the ECFR said.

European and American citizens hold many views in common about major global questions, including that they “should help Ukraine to win,” while citizens in China, India and Turkey prefer a “quick end to the war” even if Ukraine has to concede territory, based on polling carried out in December 2022 and January 2023.

In Western countries surveyed, large majorities (77 percent in the U.K., 71 percent in the U.S. and 65 percent in nine EU members) described Russia as an “adversary” or “rival” of their own country.

The paradox of the Ukraine war

On the contrary, large numbers in China (76 percent), India (77 percent) and Turkey (73 percent) not only see continued “strength” in Russia and view it as a strategic “ally” and “partner” of their country, but many also believe Kyiv should consider surrendering territory to help end the conflict quicker.

The paradox of the Ukraine war is that the west is both more united, and less influential in the world, than ever before,” said Mark Leonard, the think tank’s director and a co-author of the report.

There are also different views about the general role the West will play in the future world order. In Europe and the U.S., many people (29 percent in Britain, 28 percent in the nine EU countries, and 26 percent in the U.S.) expect a new bipolar world of two blocs led by the U.S. and China, whereas there were signs that most people in major non-Western countries saw the future in more multipolar terms.

Western decision-makers should take into account that the consolidation of the West is taking place in an increasingly divided post-Western world; and that emerging powers such as India and Turkey will act on their own terms and resist being caught in a battle between America and China,” authors of the study said.

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Source: Politico