BIMCO COVID-19 Weekly Report


The BIMCO Maritime Information department informs members on a weekly basis, updates about the COVID-19 in relation to implementation measures imposed by governments for sea transport including for crew change as well as from the United Nation bodies like the International Maritime Organization (IMO), World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO).

BIMCO provides the following update for this week ending Friday, 25 June 2021.


The below circulars represent the latest information to-date from the IMO.

  • Addendum no.41 to IMO circular no. 4204 “Coronavirus (COVID-19)” issued on 18 May 2021 relating to the roadmap for vaccination of international seafarers.
  • Addendum no. 35/rev. 7 issued 20 May 2021 provides a consolidated list of the IMO members that have so far notified IMO on their designation of seafarers as key workers.

The list is shown below:

IMO Crew Change – National Focal Point for Crew Change and Repatriation of Seafarers

As per BIMCO news of 12th April, the IMO has discontinued the issue of the IMO circular in series: MSC.7/circ. 1 relating to government states informing the IMO of their national focal point for crew change and repatriation of seafarers. Instead, the IMO’s online Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) will be used to contain such information.

According to GISIS today, the list of countries (44) informing the IMO of their national focal point of contact for crew change and repatriation of seafarers are: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the Cook Islands, Cyprus, Dominica, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, the Marshall Islands, Mexico, Montenegro, Myanmar, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand , Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and Vanuatu.

Earlier reference of the MSC.7/circ.1: BIMCO implementation page.

Government States


According to information from Lachmann provided by Intergas Shipping to BIMCO, the following measures relating to crew change in Brazil are implemented during the pandemic:

On Seafarer’s Identity Card:

  • Special entry requirements for residents in signatory countries to ILO Convention 185 on Seafarers Identity Card was postponed.
  • Required documents for residents in non-signatory countries to the ILO Convention 185 with visa exemption agreements: passport and seafarer’s book.
  • For other countries, a visa must be obtained.

Special requirements for Chinese crew

Each crewmember must hold valid seaman’s book issued by the Chinese Maritime authorities and the vessel must fly a Chinese flag, and B) for signing-on and -off as well as to transfer crew from one vessel to another at the same or different port, it is mandatory for the crew to hold valid visas. Without this requisite, no entry for any crew to enter the country to transit from the airports to vessels, and vice-versa.

PCR tests required for embarking and disembarking crew.

  • Special requirement for disembarking crew: the test must be performed onboard.
  • Should a test result return positive, the ship will be quarantined for a minimum of 10 days subject to testing done again for all crew.
  • Ships arriving from India, South Africa, UK and Northern Ireland in the last 14 days, entry allowed only upon completion of compulsory 14 days and issue of Free Pratique, which can be obtained before the 14 days by negative test results of the whole crew.


The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation informed of a further extension of three months granted for seafarer’s certificates and documents that have expired or are due to expire on or before 30 September 2021. Full details are available in an IMO circular letter no. 4237/Add.2 dated 21 June 2021.


Seafarers holding certificates issued by the Republic of Slovenia which are due to expire or have already expired shall remain valid until their repatriation, hence allowing them to continue to work legally on board ships until the next port of call. Full details are available in an IMO circular letter no. 4396/Add.1 dated 22 June 2021.


There is no news issued under this section.


BIMCO General COVID-19 Links

BIMCO is continuously monitoring COVID-19 restrictions and its impact on the shipping industry in particular on crew changes. Below are some of the type of information currently being provided by BIMCO :

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Source: BIMCO