4 Killed Due to a Blast on a Newly Constructed Vessel!



Last Friday by 2 p.m., a powerful blast on a large transport vessel killed four people working on them in tambon Sanam Chai, Bangkok.  Authorities reportedly ordered the closure of the shipyard for 30 days to help the investigation team find the root cause of the explosion.

The force of the blast ripped through the steel barge from the middle to the stern.  Four male workers, including three Thai nationals and one Cambodian national, were killed.

The vessel nearing completion was getting a coat of spray-painting at the time of the accident and a foreman said a spark from electrical equipment might have ignited the paint or thinner.

Pol Col Manote Kluebvichit, Chief of the Bang Sai police station, on Saturday led a team of forensic experts to examine the blast site.  Police expect to take no more than 30 days to wrap up their probe.

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Source: Bangkok Post