Booming Employment In Shipping Industry



  • An adapted ship programme has been adapted by the MNC’S Cyprus based arm MSC ship management limited 
  • It will take the initiative of connecting with 10 to 12 schools in India in the current year.
  • students will be able to get access to learn about MDC Cargo and Cruise vessels 

This maritime awareness programme will give the opportunity to youth and also makes developments in the shipping industry says the article on the site India shipping news 


Msc shipmanagement Limited employs over 14,000 people including shore staff in Cyprus, India, Ukraine as well as the Philippines they manage cruises and cargo ships 

Nita Jha head of group learning & organizational Development, MSC ship management said “the aim of this programme is to highlight the positive side and benefits of the shipping industry and it’s huge contribution towards global economy”.

The 75,000 km coast lined country like India has 50% of population below the age of 25 and 60% below 35. MNC’S connect with Indian students through “Adopt a ship programme” will give boost to the Indian shipmanning industries Nita Jha is a native of India from Bihar. Studied at University of Cambridge and worked as a English teacher in India and hongkong.

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