Boozed-Up Captain Grounds Ship And Blocks Entry To The German Port Of Rostock


Unfit Captain under the influence of alcohol grounded a 85m long cargo ship off Germany on saturday March 26th.


A 2011 built cargo carrier ran aground in the entrance of the German port of Rostock.  The Captain, who was under the influence of alcohol tried to steer the vessel out to sea.  The local police are investigating the issue after confirming that the Captain was intoxicated.

The police conducted a breathalyser test as they suspected the smell of alcohol on the Captain’s breath.  The results showed 1.48 promiles of alcohol in his blood, that was well above the allowed limit.

The ship was refloated using tugboats and steered back into the harbour in north-eastern Germany.  There are no reports of injuries or damages.

The court has imposed a bail of EUR 6,000, and the Captain will additionally face criminal charges for endangering naval traffic and piloting a vessel in a drunken condition.

a general view of Rostock port

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