Boozy Captain Suspended From Duty


 An inebriated captain of a chemical tanker has been slapped with a fine and 4-month suspension.


The chemical tanker, M/T Quercianella, owned by Navigazione de Cabatoggio of Italy  was transporting 11,000 tons of petroleum products.  On 6th July the captain of this vessel Samdro Carnemolla, 53, from Sicily set to sail while he was drunk.  He was arrested and sentenced with a fine of GBP 1,000 ($1,550) and a four-month suspension.

The vessel had to sail from the Eastham docks in Merseyside, UK.  The marine pilot thought the captain was drunk when he boarded the vessel for departure and called the police.  The police administered a breath analysis test and arrested him as he was found guilty.

Carnemolla told the court that he was under stress and had his last drink two hours before sailing.  The court was offered that there were two other deck officers onboard capable and licensed to sail.