Brendan Cooley’s Maritime Journey: From Seasickness to Leadership


In the second instalment of our series on Brendan Cooley’s transformative journey, we delve deeper into the ripples of change set in motion by the humble fishing boat, Southern Comfort, reports IMS.

From Seasickness to Skippership  

As Brendan recalls, his early affinity for the sea and the Southern Comfort was not without its challenges.

Seasickness was a formidable opponent during his initial forays. It didn’t quell his enthusiasm, but it was an unfortunate dimension of every voyage through his adolescence.

It was only years later, under the demanding conditions of a super yacht, that he finally conquered this affliction.

Facing down the roiling waves and embracing his role as the vessel’s master, Brendan found his sea legs, marking a pivotal moment in his maritime career.

Brendan’s ambition to become a naval architect had morphed into an unexpected journey through hydraulic systems, ferries, and super yachts.

His time as an apprentice at John Honey Hydraulics had laid the groundwork for his career trajectory.

The disappointment of not pursuing his dream role eventually led him to the door of Rottnest Ferries, where he ascended from deckhand to skipper.

At just 21, he was at the helm of the Starflight and the Superflight, cutting through the waves with a command that belied his age. Reflecting on those early days, Brendan’s gratitude extends to those who guided him.

He remembers with fondness the pivotal role played by a family friend, John Honey, who facilitated Brendan’s exit from his apprenticeship.

The story of Brendan’s rise is also a testament to his father’s influence. Values instilled early on were dedication to hard work and a refusal to settle for mediocrity. The lessons learned aboard the Southern Comfort, and the guidance of his father would shape Brendan’s professional ethos and steer him toward his current role.

From the Southern Comfort’s sturdy deck to the commanding heights of a super yacht’s bridge, Brendan’s journey exemplifies the adage that success is born from perseverance. The seeds of change sown in his formative years would germinate into a flourishing career marked by leadership, innovation, and a love for the open sea.

There are good reasons that maritime vessels are personified in our language—they often hold the power to connect with us in ways not dissimilar to our human relationships. The Southern Comfort may have been “just a fishing boat“, but for a young boy who can now reflect from the vantage of his forties, it’s been part of a legacy.

The Southern Comfort, with his father at the helm, whet the appetite for a lifetime in the maritime industry that has culminated in Brendan Cooley’s current role at the helm of International Maritime Services, overseeing the movements of vessels across the globe.

Long voyages begin by setting sail and leaving harbour. Sometimes these initial voyages are grand and meaningful; other times seemingly incidental. Other times still, they leave us clambering for the side of the boat to leave our breakfast in the ocean. Yet each can hold the power to shape our future.

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Source: IMS