BSM Receives the USCG Qualship 21 Program Approval


BSM Receives U.S. Coast Guard Qualship 21 Program Approval for the Honourable Henry Jackman

Qualship 21

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement is proud to announce that it has received U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Qualship 21 Program approval for the BSM India-managed, Algoma-owned bulk carrier Honourable Henry Jackman.

The Quality Shipping for the 21st Century (‘Qualship 21’) Program is aimed at recognising and rewarding internationally-flagged, high-quality ships operating within US waters.

Eligibility criteria include no substandard vessel detentions in the US during the previous 36 months, and not owned or operated by a company that has had any Port State Control (PSC) detentions in US waters within the past 24 months.

In awarding the Qualship 21 certificate to BSM India, the USCG advised that less than 10% of all foreign-flagged ships operating in the US meet the program eligibility requirements and commended the Company on its exceptional commitment to quality.

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Source: Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement