Bulk Carrier Emergency Anchored After Engine Failure



A Capesize bulk carrier has reportedly suffered from an engine failure after it lost its propulsion power after a blackout.

What happened?

The Capesize bulk carrier named Cape Leonidas suffered engine failure on Elbe River near Kollmar, Germany.

The vessel was en route from Narvik to Hamburg when it lost its propulsion power due to a blackout.

The ship had dead inertia and pushed around by the sea current since it lost its ability to maneuver the ship. An emergency anchor was dropped by the crew on board to prevent collision and prevent the ship from running aground. Finally, the ship was successfully secured at the shipping way.

The local authorities were notified about the incident and five tugs were dispatched to scene of the accident. The ship was towed and the convoy moved upstream to Hamburg, where the ship was docked for repairs and safety inspection.

Traffic suspended:

The traffic in the area was suspended during emergency anchoring and for further salvage operations, which formed a queue in both directions. Later after towing was completed, the traffic on the shipping way was restored.

Fortunately, during the incident, there were no injured people and no water pollution. The local authorities started an investigation into the root cause of the accident.

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Source: Lübecker Nachrichten