Bulk Carriers Get a Kick Start for Scrubber Installations


The largest bulk carriers afloat are moving at different speeds irrespective of scrubber installations, reports Splash247.

AXSMarine Trade Flows

AXSMarine Trade Flows is an online solution to analyse ships, commodity movements and trends.

The data shows that since the start of this month and the beginning of the global sulphur cap, laden capes and VLOCs with scrubbers have sped up, while those without the exhaust cleaning systems have slowed down.

The data from AXSMarine Trade Flows also shows that in ballast non-scrubber fitted ships have slowed down considerably in the first two weeks of the year.

Significant increase in scrubber ratio

A considerable ratio (10.4%) of the active cape and VLOC fleet is now operating with a scrubber, AXS data shows. When including the orderbook still to deliver this figure rises to 14.1%.

While the gap is closing in the last few days, the difference in price between low and high sulphur fuel oil remains large – at $233 per ton in Rotterdam and $289.50 per ton in Singapore.

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Source: Splash247