Inspite of tighter controls on specifications, inspite of multiple other activities to prevent adulteration of bunker fuels, it looks like the excess profit that adulteration provides is too much temptation for many suppliers.

Even in the last couple of months, fuels supplied in New Orleans and earlier on in Houston carried multiple adulterated substances which have cause extensive damage to fuel systems of marine engines. Only by carrying out multiple tests and by doing the GCMS and other in-depth analysis, the adulteration has been identified. The routine ISO 8217 will not capture this adulteration. Multiple ships have suffered serious damages and they do not see a solution to this continuing problems in bunker fuels.

Kindly take the trouble and the small expense involved in buying the book “Unmasking Bunker Fuel Adulteration” and learn about various methodologies available to you to ensure that you buy the right fuel and not get into the problems. This book not only traces the history of adulteration from the beginning up to date, but also provides multiple solutions which you could employ. There is a large section of 7 annexes which provides you with detailed information on multiple testing methodologies and how the adulteration can be identified.

Unmasking Bunker Fuel Adulteration

The aim of the author is to bring ethical practices in the bunker industry so that the stakeholders will enjoy stress free Peace of Mind while using the marine fuels on the ships.

The book can be purchased at Amazon or by contacting us at operations@theviswagroup.com